Showing posts with label Swimming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swimming. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Swim Set!! (12-25-12)

50 fly

100 back

2 x100 IMs

8 x 50 @ Interval

4x75 Free/Stroke/Free

2 x 150 Stroke Pull  (Build)

6x75 Stroke “Drill - Swim - Drill ”

4x200 Stroke Int .……. 6x100 Stroke Int.

6 x 25 no breather ……… 100 Stroke For time







Saturday, December 22, 2012

Masters Swim Set (12-22-12)

Warm Up: 600/600
300 Free/Back Swim
200 IM Streamline Kick
100 Pull catchup drill/free (by 25)

Pre Set: 1150/1750
6x75 swim/kick on back/swim  [:10 rest]
Odds: Freestyle     Evens: Backstroke
4x100 Freestyle Build (Get out each end + 10 jumping jacks)  [:20 rest]
4x75 Free Sharkfin/Swim/Sharkfin  [:15 rest]
Set 1: 500/2250
2x50 [@ 1:00]
2x50 [@ :55]
2x50 [@ :50]
2x50 [@ :45]
2x50 [@ :40]
(or in that pattern but pick a different interval to start at)
 Set 2: 500/2750
1x100 [@ 1:30]

1x100 [@ 1:25]
1x100 [@ 1:20]
1x100 [@ 1:15]
1x100 [@ 1:10]
(or in that pattern but pick a different interval to start at)
BC Set: 150/2900
6x25 No-Breathers [ @ :30]

Warm Down: 300/3200
300 Slow Easy Recovery

TOT: 3200y